Thursday, July 23, 2009

Persistance of Vision

I believe that I have a much better eye now then ever before, and it improves the older I get.

I don't mean that my eyesight has improved; I need glasses to read and for closeup work, what I mean is it's how I look at the subjects that I photograph.

Now I notice things that I am sure that I overlooked as a younger person. Sometimes that makes the difference if I trip the shutter or not.

Subtle nuances in lighting, odd things in the background are some of the things I just automatically notice. Most of the time that is.

I all just comes with experience, the more you shoot the better you see.

Your first step is getting past the learning how to use the equipment part. The next step is learning the photographic technique part of the equation. Then when you feel comfortable with those two parts you can concentrate your efforts on learning what makes a good image.

Like most things this all takes time. The more effort and time you put forth the quicker you will improve your vision.

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