Monday, November 10, 2008

Camera Talk

Here is a link to an interesting bit in the Summit Daily. I ran across it looking for something unrelated, sometimes a bum search can take you to very some interesting places.

After reading this article, I saw myself in the very situation. I'm not big into photo gear as a rule. I do own a lot of stuff, much of it old, like me, but I do get sucked into the what camera do you use conversation way more than I should.

In high school the editor of the yearbook and I were sent to a week long seminar on dealing with putting together the year book. He went to the classes for editors and I did the photography track. The main photo instructor was a very cool guy. He had worked for one of the big papers in Chicago for years.

He made a comment that has stuck with me for all these many years. "It's not what is between the photographers hands that count, but what's between his ears".

I try to remember that quote when I get involved in a serious camera talk. I doesn't always work but I try.

I guess the better question one should ask is how did you shoot that? Not what did you shoot that with.