Friday, October 10, 2008

Maps the Photographer's Friend

I just finished listening to another podcast by Lens Work Editor, Brooks Jensen entitled " The Seduction of Maps".
I whole heartedly agree that looking at maps is very exciting as you plan a photographic trip to a new place. In fact that is one of the first things I do when I plan a photographic excursion.

Here's is an example. I have made many trips to Michigan's UP to photograph waterfalls. I have a very nice book by a photographer from the Detroit area of his black and white images of UP waterfalls. He included a companion book with directions to help you locate the waterfalls in his book. I used that but I also used a Michigan county map book, that I had for many years, for the greater detail. It made it much easier to find the location of the falls I was tring to find.
My daughter gave me a new map book last Christmas, updated information and in color. I should be al set, at least for the state of Michigan.

Two great resources for online mapping are Google Maps and Microsoft's online mapping site

Not only can you use them to plan a route to your destination, but you can see satilite images of the area you are planning to visit. I think that that is the best part. I can see what a place looks like before I go there. The Microsoft site even has what is called "Birds Eye View" for some locations.

Maps are a photographers best bud.