It has been said that you should develop you own personal style.
But what does that mean exactly? It sounds easy enough, but is it really that simple.
How do you begin to develop a style? I am sure it's something many serious photographers have thought hard about.
I would suggest that you.
Look at lots of pictures. I think it is important to look at the photography of others. Not just the kind of photography you do personally but all types. If you are a nature shooter for example it won't hurt to study commercial, fine art and photojournalisum. There are common threads in all photography.
Try to look at as many original photographs as you can. There is nothing like seeing finely crafted photographic images just as the photographer made them. Books and magizines are good places to view photography also, but do take the oportunity if you can to see the originals if possible.
Shoot whenever and as much as you can. Even shoot things you wouldn't normaly shoot. The practice won't hurt and you can't develop a personal style if you don't make images.
At first you may find that your work looks like the work of others. Don't be afraid of emulating great photographers. Remember it took them a while to get to where they are, so it will take you some time also. As an individual you look at things a bit different that the rest of us and that will show up in your work.
Building your own style takes time. Just like your personality, your likes and dislikes, and your world views, it can change over you lifetime. Growth is good. Change is healthy. Just be yourself and a style will come.