Monday, April 7, 2008

Shooting Nearby Places

I just bought a new dSLR, last Thursday as a matter of fact.

I am not really into equipment as a rule, though I do seem to have a bit of it, but I needed another camera to use as backup on a couple of up coming weddings that I got sucked into. So I bought a Nikon D60.

Sunday I went out shooting with it. I needed to get to know it so I would be comfortable using the thing. I decided to go over to a little town aout 6 miles west of where we live and shoot the grain elevator that is there. We go to the pub across the street from it two or three time a month, but it just hit me that the elevator might make an interesting subject.

I arrived about 6PM the sun was lower and it lit the place very nicely. Shot all kinds of angles and things close up. There were an amazing amount of things there to shoot and the cool thing is that it was only 5 minutes from home.

So I guess this shows you don't have to travel very far to capture great images.

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