Monday, June 18, 2007

The "created image" VS the" found image"

There are definite advantages to photographing in an environment in which you have total or almost total control. The studio allows you to do things that you couldn't do any other place. I love the created image, the process of bringing elements together, wrapping light around them to create a wonderful image.

Now I don't spend a hundred percent of my time in the studio photographing.
All though I do wander about with my camera on occasion. Often times with no specific
plan or subject in mind, just looking for what I call the found image.

The found image is the image that is there if you are paying close enough attention to your surroundings and are prepared to make a picture. I always see lots possible shots, but for one reason or another the image escapes my grasp. The light is wrong; I don’t have the right lens with me, no tripod. A million reasons mostly but mostly because I wasn’t prepared.

In some ways the found image can be more rewarding to me. I don’t have the control
that I do in the studio, but if everything comes together just right and I am
prepared, I feel extremely fortunate to take that picture. It’s like finding a rare gem
or gold in the backyard.

Here’s a prime example.
One morning on my way to the studio I had to take a detour because a warehouse building had a fire and the street I normally took was closed. The building was completely destroyed except for a corner of the building next to the street. On my way home as I passed the section of wall that was still standing the sunlight was streaming through the window and highlighting the smoke patterns on the glass. It was cool. Of course I didn’t have a camera with me (I failed to plan ahead). The next day I did take a camera, but the day was over cast. No luck the rest of the week. The next Monday they tore down the rest of the wall and the shot was gone forever. If I would have just taken my camera with me the first day I would have that image.

Here are 2 found images from the last couple of months.

Friday, June 8, 2007

My Trip Up North

My daughter and I recently traveled to the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The reason for the trip was. for me to photograph and for her to have some downtime before she heads off to grad school.

We visited some of our favorite places as well as one or two new ones. I wanted to stay a bit longer but we had to get home and rejoin the real world.

If you have never visited Michigan's Upper Peninsula, do yourself a favor and make the trip. There are tons of places to make beautiful images just about any time of the year.

This image was made at the lower Taquamanon Falls. Moving water has always been one of my favorite subjects and there a many water falls in the U P that I have photographed.
I had brought along a 4x5 to shoot the falls, but I never took it out of the car.

I am hoping to go back in the fall to shoot fall colors if I can find the time. Maybe this farmer and his cow will still be out in the field.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Why Another Photgraphy Blog?

My idea in creating this blog was to share some of my recent images, experiences and some of my own thoughts on photography with others.

That is assuming that anyone is interested in my thoughts,experiences and images.

My goal is to post at least once a month, more if possible.

This image was made a few days ago when I attended a niece's wedding. It was shot in a utility room just down the hall from the room that reception was in. The door was open part way and the sink was screaming to be photographed. So I did.

I liked the way the window light fell on the sink, as well as the yellow colors in the sink and the tile wall behind. Often times I am attracted to everyday objects especially if they look interesting because of unique lighting, shape or color.

This just might be the best image I made at my niece's wedding.