Thursday, October 23, 2008

I Disagree Strongly

I enjoy listening to photography related pod casts. While I was listening to the "Inside Analog Photo Radio" pod cast for October 18Th 2008 the guest made a comment that made me cringe.

The guest was Steve Anchell author of the "Darkroom Cookbook" and it was a very good interview, he talked about his book, how he got into photography, the value of silver photography and a lot of other interesting things.

I was in agreement with most of the things he talked about until a comment was made about digital photography. He called it basically it is a point and shoot Photoshop process. He said digital is not about photography it's about Photoshop. When he uses the term photography he means a silver based process.

With this I Disagree Strongly.

To me It doesn't make any difference how you make your image, the basic process is the same. You focus light and expose some type of media to capture your image. Then you take your image and process it either electronically or chemically to arrive at your final piece. Granted making a B&W print using film is quite different that make a B&W print with your computer and an ink jet printer, but you still go through some kind of a process to get there.

I'm sure that as older processes we replaced by newer ones you had the same kind of debate churning in photographic circles.

I shoot film and I love it for many reasons, but I also shoot digitally and the same is true there.
They both do things that the other can not, but that doesn't make either one better than the other.

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