Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I have a darkroom again (sort of)

Saturday my friend Steve invited me out to burn some 4x5 film.
We met at a restaurant in Grant, a small town about 10 miles straight north of where I live.
We shot all of the film we had loaded on the old grain elevator in town.

I decided to process my film that same day. It usually takes me weeks to get around doing it, but I changed my normal procedure and souped the film right away.

After they were dry and I looked at the images. I wished that I could make even just contact prints, so I went up to the barn dug all my equipment out of the boxes it has been stored in since I moved and set it up.
It's not as nice as what I had before I moved and there is no running water, but it will do the job until I come up with a better solution.

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